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About Us

Azurant Technologies is a software company focusing on the needs of health care, education, and small to large organizations. Azurant prides itself on its dedication to quality, and dedication to its customers. Azurant maintains relations with partners that enable it to maintain the highest level of quality, and benefit its customers overall.

Now located in Sacramento, Azurant Technologies remains close to Silicon Valley, and continues to strive towards producing better software, and providing better services for end users. With a growing staff, it is a constantly evolving company that is geared towards adapting to meet current and future challenges.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Azurant Technologies fast-moving and talented team, contact us by sending a resume to jobs@azurant.com. We promise to read every resume that is sent our way, whether or not we have a current position open.

Eclarix For Schools
Eclarix For Healthcare
Eclarix For Retailers
Eclarix For The Workplace
Eclarix For Consumer Reporting
Eclarix For Law Enforcement

Eclarix Brochures

DART Labor Case Study

Eclarix Enterprise

Clarity on demand.

Request a DEMO today!




(916) 541-5278



(916) 541-5278