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Privacy Policy

Azurant Technologies takes your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy policy.

What This Privacy Policy Covers:

This privacy policy covers Azurant Technologies' (hereinafter "Azurant") treatment of personally identifiable information that Azurant's software collects when you are on Azurant sites, and when you use Azurant's services. This policy also covers Azurant's treatment of any personally identifiable information that Azurant's business partners share with Azurant.

This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Azurant does not own or control or to people that Azurant does not employ or manage.

Information Collection and Use:

Azurant collects personally identifiable information when you use certain Azurant products or services, sign up for a newsletter, and enter promotions or sweepstakes. Azurant may also receive personally identifiable information from our business partners.

Azurant also automatically receives and records information on our server logs, such as the browser you are using, your IP address, and the pages you requested.

Azurant uses this information for internal purposes only, to improve and enhance the functionality of our web sites. Azurant will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone.

Azurant maintains an opt-out list for its electronic mailings to prevent your mailbox from receiving unwelcome correspondence. To enhance the effectiveness of this list, names and e-mail addresses on this list may be shared with outside vendors not associated with Azurant.

To unsubscribe from our mailing list simply send us an e-mail indicating the e-mail address we have on file, and your wish to unsubscribe. Your name and e-mail address will be added to our opt-out list.

Azurant may set and access cookies on your computer. Azurant may allow other companies to use cookies, or use electronic images (e.g. GIF's) that allow a web site to count users who have visited that page or to access certain cookies. We do this to improve and enhance the functionality of our web sites. If you choose to not allow a cookie on your computer, you will not impair your ability to use our web sites.

Changes to This Privacy Policy:
Azurant may edit this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes we will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on our web site.

Questions or Suggestions:
If you have questions or suggestions please e-mail us at feedback@azurant.com.


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