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Azurant Technologies has years of experience working with companies to help them identify and improve upon business needs as related to their information technology sectors. Azurant offers the following services in addition to our Eclarix product lines:

Data Analysis
Data collection can be a complex business, leading to gigabytes of disorganized data fragments that require automated processing to reassemble. Perhaps you lack the resources to present your data in a user-friendly format. Azurant assists by meeting with you to analyze your data and figure out the best way to use it. We will analyze your event data to help identify trends. We offer presentation services, such as Power Point presentation preparation.

Custom Integrations
Enterprise systems rarely speak to one another, having been made by different vendors, and often in different programming langauges. Such disparate data systems creates unique challenges to bring data together, and requires custom solutions to allow for seamless integration between data. Azurant can offer data integration services to help you overcome this hurdle.

Azurant offers a full range of training solutions to help your organization utilize our products as completely as possible.

For custom tasks, such as custom reports, custom application extensions, or even small business projects that you cannot purchase off-shelf, Azurant offers professional consulting services, on-site or remote. Our team has experience with a wide variety of technologies, and can even advise your staff on the best way to leverage your own systems.

Web Site Design
Azurant can help your develop web sites and back-end solutions to add custom behaviors to your own web site. Our technical teams partner with designers and graphics artists to help create web sites that let your organization speak for itself on-line.

Eclarix For Schools
Eclarix For Healthcare
Eclarix For Retailers
Eclarix For The Workplace
Eclarix For Consumer Reporting
Eclarix For Law Enforcement

Eclarix Brochures

DART Labor Case Study

Eclarix Enterprise

Clarity on demand.

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(916) 541-5278



(916) 541-5278