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Eclarix For Schools
Eclarix For Schools has been designed to meet the growing needs of schools, school districts, and universities to collect and track event reports relating to safety, transportation, human resources, evaluations and parent/teacher conference results. Eclarix can electronically track student injuries, campus violence, threats, trespass, unauthorized personnel, vehicle mechanical failures and bus maintenance requests, teacher evaluations and IEP results, and also sexual harassment, workplace violence and discrimination. Eclarix has become an indispensable tool for HR and safety officers at schools and districts nationwide. Use Eclarix For Schools to enhance your reporting capabilities, and track more than ever before. Never miss an event again.

Eclarix For Healthcare
Eclarix For Healthcare has been designed to meet the demanding needs of healthcare environments such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, and other healthcare facilities. Its comprehensive event management solution allows you to track falls, medication errors, pharmacy dispensing errors, surgical issues, workplace violence, employee exposures, sexual harassment, electrical and chemical hazards, and more. Eclarix's flexibility give healthcare organizations the opportunity to track everything in one package, and gives them the tools they need to report to local, state, and national agencies. With such wide-ranging functionality, Eclarix offers healthcare facilities a significant return on investment.

Eclarix For The Workplace
Eclarix For The Workplace has been designed with the goal of giving the workplace the same level of care typically reserved for healthcare and education. We recognize that workplaces have events too, and no workplace should be without the tools for tackling these events the moment they occur. With Eclarix, you can tackle all workplace accidents, injuries, and complaints. You can track workplace violence, sexual harassment, and discrimination, something no large organization can afford to be without. Eclarix can also track transportation issues, employee evaluations, and visitor complaints. It offers organizations significant return on their investment in one, convenient solution.

Eclarix For Consumer Reporting
Eclarix For Consumer Reporting has been designed to give government and professional boards the tools they need to collect consumer complaints quickly, and efficiently. Consumer boards are often overwhelmed with complaints, and have no system to put them in. Most put the reports in a file, or type them in word processors. Using Eclarix, you can be sure that all complaints are tracked, and stored easily for future reporting and follow-up. Best of all, your organization can watch trends in consumer complaints, and monitor complaint review progress.

Eclarix For Law Enforcement
Eclarix For Law Enforcement has been designed to meet the demanding needs of police departments, sheriff associations, highway patrol, and correctional facilities. In these high pressure environments, accidents and events are common, and often deadly, and the organizations need a place to track and monitor these events in a single system. Using Eclarix, your organization can track injuries during apprehension, accidents in pursuit, incorrect police procedure, jail violence, inmate injuries, and jail medical facility errors. With so many different types of events, Eclarix provides the best possible solution, an easily configurable tool that meets all requirements.

Eclarix For Retailers
Retail stores face unique challenges. In addition to sexual harassment, workplace violence, and discrimination complaints that exist in all businesses, retailers face challenges in tracking and monitoring visitor injuries, thefts, and vandalism, but also shipping problems, manufacturing incidents, and product malfunctions. All of these events are crucial for an organization to stay on top of, and Eclarix has been designed to help organizations achieve this goal.


Eclarix For Schools
Eclarix For Healthcare
Eclarix For Retailers
Eclarix For The Workplace
Eclarix For Consumer Reporting
Eclarix For Law Enforcement

Eclarix Brochures

DART Labor Case Study

Eclarix Enterprise

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(916) 541-5278